Ola driver cleaning fee reimbursement policy

Cleaning Fee Reimbursement Policy and Process

We understand that it isn’t always pleasant or easy to clean up mess in your car which has been left by passengers. However, Ola is here to support you and to ensure we can do this efficiently and suitably, the provision of details and photographic evidence of the incident, is very helpful to quickly resolve within a suitable time frame.

For you to start the cleaning fee reimbursement process with Ola,the following information must be sent to Ola, and you must do so within a 4 hour timeframe:

  • You need 2-3 clear pictures of the mess (photos that are not clear, will not be accepted)
  • You must identify the trip the issue occurred. Provide the CRN, your cleaning receipt and any other identifying information that would help to support
  • A brief description of what happened and any additional circumstances

You must also provide your cleaning receipt, though you don’t need to provide this within the 4 hour time frame. The cleaning receipt must be in the form of a valid tax invoice which should include the vehicle registration number that was cleaned as well as the required information:

  • the words ‘tax invoice’ in a prominent place;
  • the name (or trade name) and GST number of the seller;
  • the date of issue;
  • a description of the goods or services.

Once Ola reviews the details, trip & photographs provided, advice will be provided to you regarding reimbursement.

A maximum of $150 will be reimbursed, depending on the type of mess and evidence provided to the team.

In situations, depending on the level of mess to your vehicle, you may need to refrain from accepting rides, until the mess is fixed.

Ola offers 24/7 Driver Support, so we are always available to help you.

If you find yourself in a ‘cleaning pickle’, contact us:


Phone: 09 884 2437

Email: care.nz@olacabs.com

Don’t forget to include all information, as outlined above, to help us, help you.